Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 4, 2015

'Birdman' - art films about art

The three most prominent candidates for the Oscar 2015 in the category "Film" is Boyhood, The Grand Budapest Hotel and Birdman has its own distinctive features. If Boyhood is a simple story, is close to the 12-year silence to the audience deeply contemplative life, then The Grand Budapest Hotel is an adventure through vibrant colorful narrative of directed by Wes Anderson.
The last candidate is Birdman director Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu Mexicans, who make the films Amores Perros haunting as, Babel and Biutiful. Go Birdman, he continued to conquer the art lovers Saturday when gathered a talented cast and together they make one unforgettable cinematic experience in the past few years.
Birdman's story revolves around Riggan Thomson (Michael Keaton plays), a former Hollywood star time renowned superhero character Birdman (The Birds). At the peak of performance, Thomson unexpectedly quit brand billion this movie and since then almost disappeared from sight fans. Decades after the decision, the hero year now only a shadow of himself in the past and struggled on his career path.
He crave recognition capabilities, but most people only remember him as the "actor plays Birdman" instead of the name Riggan Thomson. Thomson's last effort was the play adapted Talk About What We Talk About When We Love on Broadway by his own investment scenarios based on a short story by Raymond Carver and doubles as an actor. To get to play on the audience as large as you want, Thomson willing to bet the inheritance, sacrifice sweat, tears and blood ...
Birdman story is somewhat like the life of actor Michael Keaton. This year 63, Keaton also had a stand in the spotlight for his role in two episodes Batman, directed by Tim Burton. During the period of the late 1980s was the beginning of 1990, Batman character has helped Keaton became one of Hollywood's top amateurs, and then after he abandoned this role, two replacements then Val Kimmer George Clooney and made Batman film series brake slipping. Keaton's career since then becomes quiet, before the re-export of a home crowd at the Academy Awards this year with Birdman.The main character in the film by Michael Keaton plays obsessed with The Birds.
The main character in the film by Michael Keaton plays obsessed with The Birds.
Use of Inarritu's Resources
Right from the first minutes of the film, the audience was somewhat surprised to see Riggan Thomson suspended in midair in a separate room and can use super power control remote objects. Gradually over time, the viewer realizes that Thomson stuck in the role Birdman, sometimes to the boundary between reality and imagination are blurred. No one can see him Thomson Birdman in the wings always stood in the year to ridicule, nagging him about the wrong decision spiteful voice, ironic.
It is very easy for Thomson if he decided to hang on the role Birdman and every year just starred in an episode is enough to maintain its grip on the audience and fill your bank account. But he chose a different path and then in an age when many people have retired, he is still struggling amid financial problems, human gamble in life.
To express the fact that the oppressive bondage of Thomson, director Inarritu decided to make a film with a unique style. Under the combination of Inarritu and director of photography Emmanuel Lubezki, 119-minute film feels like an endless double rotation without cutscenes. Inarritu's intended audience is to be associated with the main character in reality he does not escape, so they understand that the deadlock that he faced. If in real life, people still live, the Earth keeps spinning ... but did not have any hands editorial director, the scenes in Birdman same.
This is one of the most striking elements of this work, so when the story takes place with the panning shot wonders. There were newspapers such as Rope and Rear Window Birdman - two groundbreaking work on how to set up the camera and the master Alfred Hitchcock movie. But if you know the man behind the camera is Lubezki, the only people would be surprised, by the Mexican director of photography is ever left a deep impression in the two works Children of Men and Gravity.
If in Children of Men, audiences admire a constant battle scenes fascinating lasted nearly eight minutes, then to Gravity, the passage lasted 10 minutes in space was the movie that fans have stunned . Vision, financing arrangements and handle camcorder Lubezki really helped elevate the work which he participated, and will not be surprised if he went on to win an Oscar "Cinematography" here.
Oscar nominations Lubezki's just one of nine categories that Birdman has a chance to win, including Film and Actor. There are three names in the frame of Birdman stars Oscar nominations for acting, including Michael Keaton (South Main), Edward Norton (South side) and Emma Stone (Female side). They may not be the name of a film ensures the theaters will surely reap large profits, but the audience is always assured of the quality of the acting. The director Inarritu's eye showed life when assembled a cast of quality and know how to help each person to fully promote their capabilities.
Zack Galifianakis as a capital usually known for his roles in comedy series Alan silly to have molting The Hangover joining Birdman as attorney Jake. This character is not only representative Riggan but also a friend to rigorous peer review that is equally fun, make the audience laugh and forget the feeling of Thomson.
Edward Norton, Emma Stone, Naomi Watts and Michael Keaton ... each name one of them has made certain achievements in career and standing together in Birdman, together they soar on wings, but not overshadow each other. Norton plays the talented actor but he eccentric Mike Shiner - who always proved obnoxious and calmly before any criticism aimed at him, which turned out to have a fragile soul and only really "live" when standing on stage. Mike pursue method acting school (taking to heart) ask to have sex on stage starring Lesley (Naomi Watts), just to be extra scene realism.
Meanwhile, Lesley patiently endured all the hardships to be once stood on Broadway ... Birdman is an exploitation film art and artistic subjects reveal hidden corner behind the play .Michael Keaton stand a chance to win an Oscar before the first of his career at the age of 60 plus.
Michael Keaton stand a chance to win an Oscar before the first of his career at the age of 60 plus.
Norton and Watts are the actor has confirmed the talent, while Emma Stone proved to be a pleasant surprise as the rebellious daughter of Sam Riggan. Beauty with big round eyes that undertakes her character goose always proved dissatisfied with everything, and then can only find relief when sitting alone on the rooftop. An impressive footage of Sam when she can not control, and said bluntly in his father's face that he was a man so dreamy, that his actual play is just a frivolous things and nobody will remember to an end when it ...
After the emotional role - and two episodes comedy The Amazing Spider-Man recently, Emma Stone proves she fully capable of participating in the art project seriously and with his first Oscar nomination as part Birdman nice reward for this. But if an actor is more likely to win an Oscar in the staging of Birdman star, that person can only be Michael Keaton.
Keaton and life roles
Face look old with wrinkles, crow's feet and the roof thin hair, the audience grew up with Batman, played by Keaton would have little pity for a time idols. Riggan character like him, instead of being able to reach superstardom Grade A superhero played by Robert Downey Jr. as the life of the Riggan associated with the long corridors of the theater marred St. James. But despite the space like a maze and does not exit stamp age, the audience felt the burning desire, want to be recognized in the eyes of Riggan Thomson.
Everything around seems to want to fight him, he often seizures Mike, a renowned critic determined to play his victimization although not see it, her daughter said that his stubbornness has expired. Thomson Riggan .. But stay strong believe in the play, in his ability and dreams can soar on wings, but not as the Birdman. The inner struggle between Riggan and Birdman excellence, the philosophical dialogue with the various emotions of the characters are Michael Keaton transmission perfectly.
Maybe he does so well is because empathy with the characters Riggan, and it is no coincidence that the same Eddie Redmayne Keaton are the two leading candidates for the 2015 Oscar Nam.
Not a superhero movie as the name suggests to film, a film Birdman is not necessarily easy to see. But once drawn into the world of director Inarritu with endless scenes lasting, drums emotional story about Antonio Sanchez and artistic ambition of the actors, the audience will experience feeling uplifted art sky, like a Riggan Thomson immersed in his role and then fly high.