Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 4, 2015

Large Hadron Collider to restart in the world after two years

Restart the LHC particle accelerator

The scientists from the organization for Nuclear Research of Europe (CERN) 5/4 day shoot two beams through the tunnel 27 km in circumference of the accelerator. This is the Large Hadron Collider for the first time (LHC) launch since 2013.

Large Hadron Collider to restart in the world after two years
Accelerator restart after two years to upgrade the system and improve connectivity. (Photo: CERN)

According to CERN accelerator can produce twice as much energy and the larger particle collisions. During the active phase lasted three years of LHC second time, they hope it will support the research of physics, the origin of matter, including dark matter.

"We will have about 6-8 weeks to establish stable collision first experiment," Fox News quoted Joerg WENNINGER, who coordinated the operation of the accelerator, said.

LHC is the largest particle accelerator and the world's most powerful built by CERN. LHC is contained in a tunnel 27 kilometers in circumference, at a depth of 175 m above the ground, in an area near Geneva, Switzerland. It is designed to perform experiments frontal collisions between protons. Radiation is generated from the operation of this giant laboratory will not cause any danger, because it is designed with a sealing layer thickness around.

Through experiments, experts hope to study the formation of the universe. Predict the Higgs mechanism, also known as the "God particle", was discovered through particle accelerators 2012.