Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 4, 2015

Inventing self-cleaning paint

The coating can clean itself when damaged or immersion oil

Inventing self-cleaning paint

According to research published in the journal Science 5/3 days, the scientists said coating completely waterproof made from titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Unlike other water-resistant coating, this new invention might be able to clean even when damaged or submerged oil.

"The biggest challenge for surface wash is seeking to help them withstand the damaging elements every day," Clair Carmalt Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at University College London (UCL), a co-only research director, said.

Do durability, the paint can be widely applied to many fields of textiles, paper, glass to steel. In addition, the scientists also use the materials available to help increase the application of the product.

"Resistance to water helps self-cleaning materials, by forming water droplets form on the surface of roller bearings, like a mini vacuum cleaner, sweeping dirt, bacteria and viruses," said study author Yao Lu of UCL said.

Depending on the material surface, scientists using different coating technologies such as ray gun to the surface of glass and steel, embedding method for surface covered cotton, wool and spraying the paper. Apart from UCL, London and the Royal Academy of Dalian University of Technology, China also participated in the study.