Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 4, 2015

Transplant surgery the first person in history

For the first time in history the doctor will conduct the first transplant surgery

Valery Spiridonov is a 30-year-old computer engineer Russians. Right from birth, Valery was suffering from muscular dystrophy Werdnig-Hoffman very rare, the disease makes him a wheelchair from the baby and can not operate like normal people.

However, a team of surgeons led by Dr. Sergio Canavero opened the door hoping to help Valery own a perfectly healthy body. It is very controversial method today, the first transplant. Dr. Sergio claims that he can cut off the head and inserted into a healthy body.

Transplant surgery the first person in history to conduct next year
Valery Spiridonov suffering from muscular dystrophy congenital Werdnig-Hoffman, making him almost paralyzed the entire body.

Valery has accepted the opportunity to get a healthy body with this particular method. He said that he once wanted to be able to walk like normal people before dying.

Dr. Sergio Canavero currently in Italy, he just talked to Valery via Skype. However Valery lot of confidence in this method, he said this is probably your only chance to have a normal body, the disease situation is gradually changing Valery deteriorated since last year. Meanwhile, Dr. Sergio also said that with the technology and engineering is now fully able to perform a head transplant surgery.

Transplant surgery the first person in history to conduct next year
Dr. Sergio Canavero had a speech about the method of his first transplant, but a lot of objections and said that this is impossible.

Meanwhile, those in the medical community that this method is extremely crazy. Although a first transplant surgery in monkeys was done 45 years ago, has also recently started a rat transplant was conducted in China. But a similar surgery on people is beyond the imagination of the doctors in the present time. Dr. Hunt Batjer, president of the Association of Surgeons American nervous: "I will not let anyone do that, to me, this method is worse than death."

Valery new body was donated from a brain dead. In this surgery, both transplant recipients and donors will have to cut off the head of his starts from the spinal cord. Then, Dr. Sergio will use a chemical which he called "magic ingredient", in fact it is a polyethylene glycol glue used to join the two ends spinal cord between the coupling head and body donation .

Blood vessels and nerves will also be joined together. Then the patient will be placed in a coma lasts 4 weeks, to help part-time pairing with recovery. A very strong inhibitors will be used for the body's immune system can not excrete the new parts.

Transplant surgery the first person in history to conduct next year
First transplant surgery is complicated and risky, the doctors in the world are opposed to this method.

Many people believe that Dr. Sergio has oversimplified the bone marrow of two different, because there are many problems that can arise during and after surgery. However both Sergio and Dr. Valery believe in this surgery. Valery said his family is very supportive.

Main Valery was contacted Dr. Sergio 2 years ago, after accidentally found his research on early human transplantation. Then, two people have exchanged with each other by email and Skype, which has never met before.

In the history of medicine has not been started yet transplant surgery successful, even in animals. In 1970, Dr. Robert White has conducted monkey head transplant surgery on the body of a monkey on at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. However monkey head transplant surgery died of the body's immune system may reject the new head transplant. Earlier, the monkey could not move as well as spontaneous respiration because the bone marrow does not work, causing the entire body does not work.

Transplant surgery the first person in history to conduct next year
Notes of Dr. Robert White with transplant surgery early on monkeys in 1970.

Experts said that the records of the first transplant surgery by Dr. Robert does not help to be able to perform a head transplant surgery in the future. The bone marrow transplant between two separate individuals is extremely difficult and had never done before.

However, the first transplant surgery will be conducted by Valery next year, without incident happened. Estimated Dr. Sergio will conduct the surgery lasted 36 hours and the entire cost of the surgery is up to 11 million. This amount will be funded by the Research Foundation of Dr. Sergio. If successful implementation of this surgery, Dr. Sergio will change modern medicine.