Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 4, 2015

New theories about the formation of the Moon

As theorized, collision also create arrays night light in the universe.New theories about the formation of the MoonAccording to, the results of the analysis of ground on the Moon and the Earth was partly indicates the correctness of the hypothesis: The Earth is a planet ever to hit Mars, which formed the Moon .This hypothesis was named major collision theory (Giant Impact Hypothesis), proposed in 1970, but to date no one can find a mysterious celestial body named Theia - collided with the Earth How does it.New theories about the formation of the MoonAccording to this theory, more than 60% of the Moon's material came from celestial Theia, about half the remaining coming from Earth. That is consistent with the study showed that the Moon contains material bodies in each collision with Earth.The previous study showed that the ratio of oxygen isotopes such as titanium, silicon ... in all the planets of the solar system is different, but at the Moon and the Earth, the rate that the are very similar.This contrasts with the theoretical model of large collision theory - this theory that the moon is composed mainly of material planet Theia, therefore expects its components will be different from Earth .New theories about the formation of the MoonLead author of the study, astronomers Allesandra Mastrobuono-Battisi the University of Israel, Haifa, said: "According to the analysis, the Earth and the Moon is actually twins. The difference between the compounds the rocks are very small and difficult to detect, but they truly exist.That means, we can now confirm it is true that the relative occurrence of each major collision between the Earth and Theia we have great knowledge about the geological situation - the chemistry of Theia ".Space experts said, each planet are composed of materials that can be distinguished from each other. However, this coincidence is interesting because past research majority of lunar soil samples, experts estimate it contains about 70-90% of Theia material. Currently experts are continuing research to be able to offer the most plausible explanation for the formation of the Moon.